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National Award of RUCC «CLEAN RUSSIA»


The annual National Award of RUCC "CLEAN RUSSIA" is an unique event for the Russian business community in the field of cleaning. This is the main event in the cleaning industry and a public raffle that sums up the business results for a whole year.

Every year more and more Russian cleaning companies meet the international standards, start to successfully work in various fields, master the most advanced world technologies, using them in Russia. The main goal of the award is to note the achievements of those companies that combine high profitability, a stable position in the market and intensive development.

The national award of RUCC "CLEAN RUSSIA" is awarded to be a significant public objects according to the results of the audit of cleanliness by the experts of the RUCC. 

All rights to own the trademark "RUCC" belong to the Union of Cleaning Companies - the organizer of the event.
Winner in 2018
Winner in 2017
DAKOПредприятие: ТЦ «ВЕСНА»
Winner in 2016
CristanvalПредприятие: «АШАН»
Winner in 2015
ТЭКО АльянсПредприятие: Торговый Дом «ГУМ»
Winner in 2014
БлескСервисПредприятие: Международный аэропорт «Казань»
Winner in 2013
ОМСПредприятие: «Екатеринбург-Экспо»
The project was developed in ASTYPRO